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“Grīzīņdārzs” marks a milestone by embedding a time capsule in a special event at the creative quarter

In September 2022, visitors gathered in the “Grīziņdārzs” territory to celebrate a significant milestone in the transformation process of the former factory building and collectively experience a truly historic moment – the sealing of a time capsule. This symbolic event assures that the project is moving forward and is set to reach its finish line soon.

On a sunny fall afternoon, the music of the “Sunny Groove Dixie” orchestra filled the air with joy and festive vibes. The event gathered everyone involved in the project, including teams from the architectural bureau “Open AD” and real estate developers “RA Invest”, celebrating their significant contribution to the project “Grīziņdārzs” and witnessing this historic moment. The time capsule, containing memorabilia and messages, was sealed and placed in the heart of “Grīziņdārzs,” symbolising the essence of the changes in the surrounding area.

This event marked the beginning of a new phase for “Grīziņdārzs”. The former factory building, transforming into a sustainable creative quarter, is becoming a hub for innovation, collaboration, and inspiration for future generations. The time capsule, reflecting the passion and vision behind the project, serves as a bridge to the future, reminding us that the best is yet to come for “Grīziņdārzs”.

Stay informed about the progress and events related to the development of “Grīziņdārzs” – become a part of our community where ideas emerge, and businesses grow.

Event gallery
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 20
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 18
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 19
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 17
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 16
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 15
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 14
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 13
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 12
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 11
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 10
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 9
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 8
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 7
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 6
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 5
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 4
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 3
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 1
  • Grizindarzs Kapsula 2

“Grīziņdārzs” developers complete the third building renovation and start works on the fourth

“Grīziņdārzs” is pleased to announce the successful completion of the renovation of the third building, marking a significant step in the ongoing restoration process of the area. This accomplishment highlights “Grīziņdārzs” commitment to preserving its industrial heritage while creating modern and functional office spaces.

The five-story building has been meticulously renovated, blending industrial style with loft design to create spacious and aesthetically appealing office spaces. The large window structures, nostalgically reminiscent of the building’s industrial past, allow natural light to flood the spaces, forming a productive and inspiring environment.

With the successful completion of works on the third building, “Grīziņdārzs” developers look forward to the next phase – the transformation of the fourth building and others. Each building will acquire a unique and revitalized character, harmonising history with modernity to create an inspiring workspace. The comprehensive renovation plan is set to conclude by 2027, establishing “Grīziņdārzs” as a sustainable centre for business innovations and collaboration.

Follow the news as “Grīziņdārzs” thrives and develops, establishing itself as a dynamic business hub where excellence resides and growth-oriented companies choose to make their office spaces.

“Zemitānu Centrs” transforms into the creative city “Grīziņdārzs”

The “Zemitānu Centrs” – a well-known location in Riga’s Grīziņkalns neighbourhood – is undergoing significant transformations. Soon, this place will evolve into the creative city “Grīziņdārzs” – a multifunctional complex of offices and commercial spaces, offering not only premises for modern offices but also cafes, shops, and even rooftop gardens. In collaboration with the widely recognized team from the architectural bureau “Open Architecture Design”, led by the architect Zane Tetere-Šulce, new standards for multifunctional urban complexes will be established in the implementation of this project. The realization of the project will offer a space for various business functions, creating retail areas and cosy cafes, as well as modern office spaces. In the future, visitors will also have the opportunity to enjoy views of rooftop gardens, enhancing the existing cityscape. by the architect Zane Tetere-Šulce, new standards for multifunctional urban complexes will be established in the implementation of this project. The realization of the project will offer a space for various business functions, creating retail areas and cosy cafes, as well as modern office spaces. In the future, visitors will also have the opportunity to enjoy views of rooftop gardens, enhancing the existing cityscape. While preserving the heritage of the former “Rīgas adītājs” knitting factory, the renovation of the buildings ensures a balance between contemporary and historical nuances. The project embodies an idea that combines innovation with existing traditions, merging modern conveniences with elements that honour the rich legacy of the buildings. Upon the project’s implementation and development process, more than just a renovated building will be created; it will be a carefully crafted ecosystem, not only thriving with businesses but also becoming a meaningful asset in the Grīziņkalns neighbourhood community. The creative city “Grīziņdārzs”, blending history with modernity, will serve as a testament to the power of thoughtful and considerate transformation and contribute to the city’s development.

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